Singing a song is not warming up. Warming up is making sure lips, tongue, mouth and lungs are ready to work in synergy. Warming up is achieved by performing a series of systematic patterns sounds and stretches to make sure the body can perform at its best.
Warm-up Check List
Is the temperature warm enough for your body to sing well?
Blood Flow – Is there good blood flow to the larynx? Although we cannot check the blood flow, being warmer in our upper body is a good indicator of blood flow, particularly around the larynx area.
Breathing system functioning well – Expanding the lungs by deep breathing is stretching exercises to the respiratory system
Areas of articulation – We will be focusing on getting four following areas to work together. The Lips, tongue, teeth and jaw.
Humming and lip trills – Have an essential role in introducing the voice to sing. Feel the resonance in the face and head as well as the throat and chest as you trill see trill and roll exercises.
Diction Exercises – Getting the articulators to work together with brain and ears to achieve the sound you are aiming for.